What Is Resistance? What Factors It Depends On?
When current flows trough a material, the flow is resisted. This behavior is known as resistance. So, resistance is the property or ability to resist the flow of current. This is represented by R. And the material which have resistance property is called resistor. The unit of resistance is Ohm and represented by ῼ. What…

What Is Voltage?
When an electron moves in a conductor, it needs work done or energy. An external electromotive force (emf) provides this energy. This electromotive force called voltage or potential difference. What Is Voltage? Definition Voltage (or potential difference) is the energy required to move a unit charge from one place to another place. Let, dw work…

What Is Electric Current? DC and AC Current
We can not think of a single moment without electricity. Do you know what is electric current? Your answer may be yes or no. But if you work with electricity, you need to have a clear concept about electric current, voltage, power and energy. Being an electrical engineer, I have a clear concept about these….

What IS Electric Charge? It Types, Unit and Properties
Atom consists of three main particles electron, proton and neutrons. Among these particles electron and protons have charge property. But neutron has not charge property. So, now if I asked you what is electric charge? The answer will be electric charge is the fundamental properties of electron and proton. Charges are affected by electric and…

Basic of Electrical Circuit Elements, Their Symbols and Diagrams
For supplying electrical energy from one place to another, we need interconnection among electrical devices. Such interconnection is known as an electrical circuit. Each ponent of an electrical circuit is called electrical element. Definition of electrical Circuit An electrical circuit is an interconnection among electrical elements. This is a simple electrical circuit. It consists of…